To prevent mold and dampness from reappearing, it is necessary to maintain low humidity in enclosing structures. This can only be achieved by following all our recommendations.
It is also necessary to maintain normal air humidity. In winter, the air humidity in the house should not exceed 55% at 20°C, and in summer, it must not exceed 42% at 25°C. It is strictly unacceptable for the air humidity in the rooms to exceed 60% at any temperature, even for a short time. This can be achieved with the proper use of ventilation implemented according to our recommendations. As the temperature rises, the humidity should decrease. To monitor humidity, it is necessary to install air humidity sensors in all living areas.
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Guarantee of validity
We guarantee that the moisture and mold report is accurate and up to date at the time of issuance. If all recommendations are implemented exactly as specified and approved by our engineering oversight (an additional option), we predict a significant reduction in moisture and mold in building envelopes.
We do not perform any technical or installation work and are not responsible for the execution by contractors. Our goal is always to remain impartial and act in the client’s best interest. Our proposal includes a comprehensive list of tasks required to address moisture and mold issues. We perform only a portion of these tasks. For the remaining tasks, we recommend engaging specialized contractors. We are happy to provide recommendations and assist with coordination; however, the responsibility for the completion of tasks by third-party contractors rests with you.
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Limitations of our work
Only exposed sections of directly load-bearing enclosing structures are examined. Our inspection identifies up to 70% of defects but does not guarantee the identification of all issues. Our role is limited to providing recommendations. Our report is strictly technical and informational in nature. The identification of mold is carried out using an indirect method, which does not determine its exact composition or the degree of potential harmful impact on health. Detailed examination, including the opening of structures or direct work, must be carried out by other specialized professionals before proceeding further. The final decision regarding the object, as well as the responsibility for implementing the proposed solutions—including verification of the applicability of materials, technologies, and methods—lies entirely with the customer and/or contractor.Receiving our report and reviewing its contents implies the client's agreement with the all terms outlined in it, including the recommendations and limitations of liability.
At ARTEM REGART, we are always on the side of our clients and use every available method to help improve your property in the present and future.